Sunday, February 26, 2017

A bit of a throwback... because I can

Last night, I was tired but not yet sleepy. I hate that in-between feeling and I knew if I went to bed, I'd lay there thinking about the fact that I wasn't sleeping. I began browsing Amazon prime when this blast from the past appeared-- Witness, the 1985 Harrison Ford crime thriller. I'd seen it before., in all its edited for tv glory. When I was a kid, I thought Harrison Ford was THE COOLEST EVER. He was Han Solo and Indiana Jones, need I say more? So I thought "here's a great choice. I've seen it before but don't remember all the details. If I fall asleep, no biggie because I've seen it."

I didn't fall asleep. First of all because, hot damn, Harrison Ford is sexy. Now that that's out of the way....

There's something about 80s crime movies as a genre. The good guys are not complex, and neither are the bad guys. It's the 80s equivalent of a John Wayne western. It's oddly satisfying.

When the movie opens on Pennsylvania fields of tall grass blowing in the wind, however, the 80s take center stage with the heavy synth music playing over the opening credits. I went back and forth over this music. It's the number one thing that dates this movie and it made me laugh in some inappropriate moments. Since the vast majority of the movie takes place in Amish country, if not for this music it could have been made in just about any decade. Anyway, it's the one thing I'd change if I could. (And maybe that super awkward kiss. Seriously. Who kisses like that?)

Also worthy of note. Viggo Mortenson. Yeah, Aragorn is in this movie. Who knew? He's just there, blonde, jovial and Amish at a barn raising. Imagine - Viggo as little more than an extra with one spoken line.

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